Zeesweb Launched a new social app for Android called Sociabatt designed to target part of a community that loves to battles over their opinions and thoughts.
The version released on the store now as a beta version to be tested and tried by our readers and all communities interested.
Download the App now from Google play using the link below!
More information and images about the app can be found below or on the app website
SociaBatt is a social network platform that allows users to create limited-time ⏳ online battles. There, they will fight for their ideas and opinions 💡 and defeat rival’s.
“It is a fast and funny digital way to win a social battle, to engage people in your thoughts and confusions.”
It is a social network that will gamify debates and turn them into social entertaining battles where users can play it anytime, anywhere.🌏
Users can battle over their favorite sports team, favorite songs, best outfit and hundreds of other topics.
Specific features include:
• ⚔️ Create battle in image mode
• 🛡️ Create battles in statement mode
• 👍💬 Get notified when friends vote and comment on your battles
• 🔖 Select your favorite topics to interact with
• 📖 Follow topics and people to get the latest battles
• ⭐ Save your favorite battles
• 📊 View your winning & loss percentage
- sociabatt login
- sociabatt topics
- sociabatt feed