Below is a summary of incidents from over the last year. For the full list, click the download link at end of the article.
December 2022. A U.S. lawmaker predicted spyware hacks of U.S. government employees could be in the hundreds, including diplomats in multiple countries. This follows a probe into how many devices spyware are affected in the U.S. government.
November 2022. The UAE hired three former U.S. intelligence and military officials to help the government break into computers in the United States and other countries.
November 2022. Microsoft attributed cyberattacks aimed at transportation and related logistics industries in Ukraine and Poland to a Russian GRU hacking group. The campaign began in late September 2022.
November 2022. Hackers targeted Bahraini government websites with DDoS attacks prior the country’s parliamentary and local elections.
November 2022. Iranian government-sponsored hackers compromised the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, exploiting the log4shell vulnerability as early as February 2022. After breaching the network, hackers installed cryptocurrency-mining software and deployed malware to obtain sensitive data.
November 2022. Hackers damaged Danish State Railways’ network after targeting an IT subcontractor’s software testing environment. The attack shut down train operations for several hours.
November 2022. An Indian-based hacking group targeted Pakistani politicians, generals and diplomats, deploying malware that enables the attacker access to computer cameras and microphones.
November 2022. State-sponsored hackers with possible ties to the Chinese government targeted multiple Asian countries in an espionage operation since March 2022, compromising a digital certificate authority in one country.
November 2022. Hackers disabled digital services of the Vanuatu government in a cyberattack. The attack affected all government services, disabling emails, websites, and government systems, with only partial access restored a month later. Australian sources stated the hack was a ransomware attack.
November 2022. Hackers targeted the Guadeloupe government, forcing the shutdown of all government computers to “protect data” during incident response and detect the scope of the attack.
November 2022. Indian hackers targeted Pakistani government entities, including the military, and companies since April 2020. The attacks enabled hackers to infiltrate systems and access computer controls.
November 2022. Suspected Chinese-linked hackers carried out an espionage campaign on public and private organizations in the Philippines, Europe, and the United States since 2021. The attacks used infected USB drives to deliver malware to the organizations.
November 2022. Chinese state-affiliated actors increased attacks on smaller nations in Southeast Asia for cyberespionage purposes.
October 2022. Hackers targeted a communications platform in Australia, which handles Department of Defence data, in a ransomware attack. The government believes hackers breached sensitive government data in this attack.
October 2022. Russian official, Vladimir Shin, accused the U.S. government and its allies of a coordinated campaign of cyberattacks against Russia. Shin cited comments from General Paul Nakasone confirming the U.S. “conducted a series of operations” in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
October 2022. A Ukrainian newspaper published hacked data claiming to be sensitive information from Russian defense contractors. The hackers responsible are part of an anti-Putin group in Russia.
October 2022. Hackers targeted Bulgarian websites belonging to the presidential administration, the Defense Ministry, the Interior Ministry, the Justice Ministry, and the Constitutional Court in a DDoS attack. A pro-Russian hacking group claimed responsibility for the attack, stating it was punishment “for betrayal to Russia and the supply of weapons to Ukraine.”
October 2022. Hackers targeted several major U.S. airports with a DDoS attack, impacting their websites. A pro-Russian hacking group promoted the attack prior to its execution.
October 2022. Pro-Russian hackers claimed responsibility for an attack that knocked U.S. state government websites offline, including Colorado’s, Kentucky’s and Mississippi’s.
October 2022. CISA, the FBI, and NSA announced state-sponsored hacking groups had long-term access to a defense company since January 2021 and compromised sensitive company data.
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